Protecting endangered African mammals
Here at IBREAM our mission and our passion are to protect endangered African mammals from extinction.

The Pygmy Hippo
Listed as endangered by the IUCN, the elusive Pygmy Hippo is a solitary forest animal and has approximately 3000 animals estimated to exist in the wild, although this is now likely to be much lower.

The Ethiopian Wolf
Found only in the Ethiopian highlands, the Ethiopian Wolf plays a vital role in the local ecosystem and references to it can be found in Ethiopian literature dating back to the 13th century.

The African Wild Dog
A distinctive and wonderful canid species, the African Wild Dog is found only in fragmented populations in southern and eastern Africa. Its numbers are in such decline that it is now listed as endangered by the IUCN.

The African White Rhino
The white rhino is facing a desperately uncertain future. Demand for its horn for use in traditional medicine is increasing which means that a white rhino is a valuable kill for poachers.

About us

Here at IBREAM our mission and our passion are to protect endangered African mammals from extinction. We share our commitment with other conservation groups who do excellent and essential work in conserving the habitats of these precious species. By saving our target species, we assist in preserving the global biodiversity, and this is crucial for the long term existence of the planet and its people.
We are a group of wildlife fanatics with a unique blend of expertise in conservation and reproductive biology, supported by an advisory board of internationally renowned scientists and conservationists.

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